Contribution of the Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs)


  • Kushendra Bahadur Mahat  Dr. K. N. Modi University, Newai, Rajasthan, India


Contribution, Development, Karnali Zone, NGOs


Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) are one of the most trusted and visible institutions recognized by community, Nepal government, donors and development stakeholders in Nepal. Nepal government has given authority to Social Welfare Council (SWC) to create favourable environment for NGOs to work effectively in the field. The study was conducted in Karnali Zone, Midwestern Development Region of Nepal where Nepal government and donor communities have highly prioritized to address people’s needs. The objective of this research was to explore the contribution of Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs) in Karnali Zone, Nepal. The study was qualitative based with an explorative and descriptive approach. The study had collected the opinion of beneficiaries, NGO board and staff members, government and civil society representatives. Purposively qualitative research instruments were administered to generate the information i.e. key informants interview, focus group discussion, case studies and observation were done for data collection. Instruments were self-reported semi-structured. A total 45 interviews (beneficiaries - 20, NGOs board - 5, NGOs staff - 5, Civil society representative – 5 and Government Official – 10), 15 focus group discussions were conducted and 15 case studies were collected. NGOs contributed to enhance the knowledge of health service utilization, promotion of education, child rights and women empowerment as well as impact of climate changes. NGOs also contributed to develop the infrastructures; schools building, road, building drinking water’s tank and sanitary units. It was also observed that some NGOs were working from 'need based approach' and some were working from 'right based approach'. NGOs had made significant contribution in change and development of Karnali Zone in relation to the up-lift of socio-economic status of community. Joint collaboration between the like-minded organizations was needed to reduce the duplication of activities and will be effective to provide the services in hard to reach areas of the Karnali Zone.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Kushendra Bahadur Mahat, " Contribution of the Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) , International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 1, Issue 6, pp.432-442, November-December-2015.