A Secure Scheme Using Priority Based Scheduling and Congestion Control (PBSCC) Protocol to Avoid Sleep Deprivation Attack in MANET


  • A. Theresa Vinothini  Department of Computer Science, Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • S. Madhurikkha  Department of Computer Science, Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


Priority Based Scheduling and Congestion Control(PBSCC),Depth Based Routing(DBR),Cluster Head(CH).


MANET is a collection of mobile nodes which are self organized and decentralized nodes. Securing MANET is a problem that has become a critical one. Sleep deprivation attack is a type of flooding attack in which a group of nodes or a single node is chosen whose resources are to be exhausted. In all types of communication network, congestion occurs. Congestion in MANET cause packet loss, longer delay and poor throughput . To handle this type of scenario priority based scheduling and congestion control techniques are to be used. Congested packet will be distributed equally to the child node to totally avoid loss of packets and transition delays.Furthermore, this technique allocates the priority of many applications simultaneously running on the sensor nodes, which route is own data as well as the data generated from other sensor nodes. The algorithm hence dynamically adapts to the prevailing energy-scenario by reducing the power consumption to prevent the sleep deprivation attack in MANET of the network and takes routing decisions accordingly, based on packet priority. In this paper, We propose efficient Priority Based Scheduling & Congestion Control Protocol (PBSCCP) to achieve minimizing energy utilization, maximizing throughput and maximizing network lifetime higher throughput and packet delivery ratio.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

A. Theresa Vinothini, S. Madhurikkha, " A Secure Scheme Using Priority Based Scheduling and Congestion Control (PBSCC) Protocol to Avoid Sleep Deprivation Attack in MANET, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 2, Issue 3, pp.705-708, May-June-2016.