A Joint approach of Mining Trajectory Patterns according to Various Chronological Firmness


  • S. Devanathan  Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology, Virudhunagar, Tamilnadu, India
  • M. Mohankumar  Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology, Virudhunagar, Tamilnadu, India
  • Dr. P. Murugeswari  Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology, Virudhunagar, Tamilnadu, India


Trajectory pattern mining, moving object trajectories, trajectory clustering, synchronous movement patterns, UT patterns


Analysing the trajectories of moving objects is most complex and challenging work when dealing with the real time data. These trajectory patterns play a vital role in getting various kinds of information’s about the moving objects. Those information and patterns explains the behaviour of the mobility devices. Generally trajectories contain spatial and activist information about the movements. Various kinds of trajectory patterns were discussed in the literature to get a clear cut and better learning about the patterns, but existing methods can be only applicable for specific type of trajectory patterns. This drawback and inconsistency raise the pattern analysing a most discussing field in global industry. Since the inefficiency of the users to obtain which kind of trajectory pattern behind the data set grabs the attention of the researchers deeply to find a better approach in learning the patterns. Our major work involves in arranging the huge trajectory patterns according to the strength of temporal constraints. In this paper, we propose unifying trajectory patterns (UT-patterns) which is developing a modern framework for mining the trajectory patterns according to its temporal tightness. It has two phases such as initial pattern discovery and granularity adjustment. The initial pattern discovery is the concept of covering initial pattern set and granularities is adjusting like split and merge according to the levels of details obtained. By the obtained result a structured is constructed known as pattern forest to show various patterns detected from the data set. These phases guided by an information-theoretic formula without user intervention and the experimental results shows the efficiency of our proposed work on discovering the patterns from the real-world trajectory data.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

S. Devanathan, M. Mohankumar, Dr. P. Murugeswari, " A Joint approach of Mining Trajectory Patterns according to Various Chronological Firmness , International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 2, Issue 3, pp.733-737, May-June-2016.