Study of the Nutrient Composition of Organic Fertilizers in the Zone of Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso)


  • GOMGNIMBOU Alain P. K.  
  • COULIBALY Kalifa  
  • SANON Abdramane  
  • BACYE Bernard  
  • NACRO B. Hassan  
  • SEDOGO P. Michel  


Manure, Chemical composition, Fertility, Bobo-Dioulasso


This study has the aim to do a chemical characterization of the organic fertilizers used in the urban agriculture in Bobo-Dioulasso. For this reason, seven (07) fertilizers of animal's origin were taken away and analyzed in the laboratory. The comparison of the nitrogen averages shows that the poultry droppings and the pig's manure have the respective highest contents of 2.5% and of 2.6% of the studied sample. The poultry droppings (total P=2.7%) were the most affluent in phosphorus followed by the pig's manure (1.4%), while donkeys manure had the lowest content (0.7%). The monogastric animals (poultry, pigs, and rabbits) had the highest contents in total N, total P and the C:N ratio. The lower content in total K was the rabbits and the pig's manure. These results give the possibility to optimize the recovering as fertilizers of the cultures or to make the soils more affluent.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

GOMGNIMBOU Alain P. K., COULIBALY Kalifa, SANON Abdramane, BACYE Bernard, NACRO B. Hassan, SEDOGO P. Michel, " Study of the Nutrient Composition of Organic Fertilizers in the Zone of Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso), International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 2, Issue 4, pp.617-622, July-August-2016.