Reduce Production Time by Modifying Existing Manufacturing Process Planning In 50t Ell Crane


  • Sandip K. Dave  Asst. Professor, K. J. Institute of Engineering & Technology, Gujarat Technological University, Savli, Gujarat, India
  • Murtaza Chunawala  B. E., Mechanical Engineering, K. J. Institute of Engineering & Technology, Gujarat Technological University, Savli, Gujarat, India


Critical Path Method(CPM); Electrical Level Luffing (ELL); Crane; Longitudinal Travel Mechanism (LTM)


Every company wants to achieve more and more profit and it wants to complete the project before time so that can produce more goods. Time and cost are two basic and important parameters which can decide the position of the company in the market. There are two companies. The big company is very good at all it’s working but it delays the product very often, but the small company do its duty regularly and delivers the good product in less cost before time. Soon that day is not far enough that this small company will step on towards a big company. Thus these two basic values make a large difference. In our paper we have reduced the time and simultaneously increase the profit subsequently minimize the cost. We have planned for allocation of the men and go to various shop floor arrangements for fast production. We have prepared CPM (Critical path method) and directly go to the critical path to make the reduced time. It can be generated modified layout of the plant. It can be made sequencing of the operations and using parallel operations. It reduced time as well as cost of the ELL Crane. In some cases, we changed the plate to get improved economy and as per the time of concerned.


Web Reference:

  1. _luffing_crane

 Literature Reference :

  1. T Industrial manual for ELL Crane


  1. A Book of "Industrial engineering", by Akshay Pujara & Dr. Ravi Kant, 2nd Edition published, Mahajan Publication House, India.
  2. A Book of "Industrial Engineering" by Dr. B Kumar, published, Khanna Publication, India.






Research Articles

How to Cite

Sandip K. Dave, Murtaza Chunawala, " Reduce Production Time by Modifying Existing Manufacturing Process Planning In 50t Ell Crane , International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 2, Issue 6, pp.713-717, November-December-2016.