Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Coastal flooding of Nile Delta, Egypt


  • I. A. Elshinnawy  Coastal Research Institute, National Water Research Center, Alexandria, Egypt
  • Issam Edin Foad  Department of Construction & Utilities Engineering , Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt
  • I. M. Salama  Department of Civil Engineering, Minia University, Minia, Egypt
  • Usama H. Issa  Department of Civil Engineering, Taif Universiry, Taif, KSA


Impacts, Sea Level Rise, Nile Delta, Costal Zones, Coastal Flooding


Many studies have investigated impacts of Sea Level Rise (SLR) on Nile Delta coastal zones in ‎Egypt. Previous studies depended on areal surveying maps to develop digital elevation model ‎‎(DEM) for Nile Delta coastal zones. Lacking field measurements and data to develop DEM that ‎presents the actual situation of Nile Delta coastal zones, previous studies concluded that 20-30% ‎of Nile Delta area will be inundated and lost if sea level rises by one meter. Accordingly, the ‎current study aims to assess impacts of SLR on coastal inundation by utilizing field measurements ‎of tide gages and land surveying data of 200 hydrographic profile across the coast line of Nile ‎Delta. ‎ To achieve study objective, DEM maps through GIS process were developed by Coastal Research ‎Institute (CoRI). After developing the DEM maps, two modules with three scenarios (CoRI, B1, ‎and A1F1) were introduced in each module to assess SLR expected and its impacts on Nile Delta ‎coastal zones. The two modules initiated are business as usual module (module 1) and actual ‎situation module (module 2). ‎ Results indicate that for the first module (business as usual module), vulnerable areas to coastal ‎flooding represent about 3.33%, 4.25%, and 11.75% of the total area of the Nile Delta for CoRI, ‎B1, A1F1 scenarios respectively. On the other hand, considering the natural and man-made ‎protection systems (module 2), vulnerable areas have percentages of 0.74, 0.97, and 3.01 of Nile ‎Delta area for CoRI, B1, and A1F1 scenarios respectively. This means that less than 1.0% of the ‎Nile Delta area will suffer from coastal flooding resulted from SLR expected by the end of the ‎current century by CoRI and B1 scenarios and about 3% by A1F1 scenario by. ‎ The study recommends further detailed studies to quantify impacts of SLR on coastal physical ‎systems, infrastructure, saltwater intrusion, water resources, wave climate and water current ‎patterns, erosion/accretion patterns and socio-economic sectors.‎


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Research Articles

How to Cite

I. A. Elshinnawy, Issam Edin Foad, I. M. Salama, Usama H. Issa, " Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Coastal flooding of Nile Delta, Egypt, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp.71-77, March-April-2017.