A Review on Revocable and Searchable Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme over Cloud Data


  • Bhagyashri Khade  M. Tech Scholar, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, V. M. Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
  • Prof. Minakshi Ramteke  Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, V. M. Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
  • Prof. Gurudev Sawarkar  


Attribute-Based Encryption, Attributes Revocation, Fine-Grained Access Control, Keywords Search, Mobile Cloud Storage.


Mobile cloud processing gives the capacity of sharing of the information that is encoded with the various client through cloud Storage. This raises the purpose of security issues over information classification and confirmation access control. The visually impaired storage permits a customer to store the number of documents on the remote server, where remote server isn't acquainted with the records that are put away in it. In Attribute-based encryption (ABE), the encryption is performed on the attributes and permits just those clients to access the information if the attributes are accessible in their ID. This paper proposes the semantic search for encoded multi-watchword positioned over the cloud information. The multi-keyword positioned plan can search based on the outcomes acquired in positioned search with effective exactness by utilizing the k-nearest Neighbor method. It likewise utilizes ABE innovation with the adjustment that limits the confinement of ABE. To make the search productive visually impaired storage framework is utilized to conceal access control issues in a searchable encryption system. The security examination conspire is utilized to accomplish confirmation and secrecy of the record.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Bhagyashri Khade, Prof. Minakshi Ramteke, Prof. Gurudev Sawarkar, " A Review on Revocable and Searchable Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme over Cloud Data, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 6, Issue 6, pp.260-265, November-December-2019.