Crystallization in Phase Change Materials


  • Mohammed Jaafer Ali Alatabe  Environmental Engineering Department, Mustansiriyah University. Baghdad, Iraq


Crystallization, Salt Hydrate , Phase Change Material.


There are large numbers of phase change materials that melt and solidify at a wide range of temperatures, making them attractive in a number of applications. Hydrated salts have larger energy storage density and higher thermal conductivity but experience super cooling and phase segregation, and hence, their application requires the use of some nucleating and thickening agents. Sodium carbonate, sodium phosphate and sodium sulfate tested as phase change material by crystallization in this work. Salt hydrate phase change materials used for thermal storage in space heating and cooling applications have low material costs, but high packaging costs. A more economic installed storage may be possible with medium priced, high latent heat. Latent heat storage is one of the most efficient ways of storing thermal energy. Unlike the sensible heat storage method, the latent heat storage method provides much higher storage density, with a smaller temperature difference between storing and releasing heat.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Mohammed Jaafer Ali Alatabe, " Crystallization in Phase Change Materials, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 4, Issue 1, pp.93-99, January-February-2018.