Widyaiswara Performance for Improving the Competency of Vocational Teacher in PPPTK BBL Medan


  • Maria Rosa  SDN 060825 Teachers, Medan State University, Indonesia
  • Zainuddin  Lecturer of Medan State University, Indonesia
  • Yusnadi   Lecturer of Medan State University, Indonesia


Performance, Widyaiswara, Planning, Organizing, Implementation, Evaluation, PPPPTK BBL Medan.


The purpose of this study is to determine the performance of widyaiswara in the implementation of vocational teacher enhancement program in PPPPTK BBL Medan. To achieve these objectives in descriptive method with qualitative approach. Implementation of the research was conducted at the Center for Development of Educational Empowerment and Education Personnel Field and Electricity Field. Techniques Data collection through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation studies. The results of this study indicate that (1) Assessment of Position Functional Credit Rate Widyaiswara consists of the first two activities to prepare the training materials used in the learning process to facilitate the training participants understand learning materials training, which includes teaching materials , display material, props, GBPP / RBPMD and SAP / RP; and the second compile the problem / test material. The training exam is an instrument that is used to measure the competence of the training participants during the training activities, which consists of pre-post test, comprehensive test and case. (2) organizational structure of PPPPTK BBL Medan consists of Head, General Section, Program and Information Division, Facilitation of Competence Improvement, and Functional Position Group (3) Center for Development and Empowerment of Teachers and Education Personnel (P4TK) performs its duties and functions to submit report to Head of Directorate General of GTK with copies to the head of the organizational unit that functionally has a working relationship with P4TK, conveying the results of development and empowerment of teachers and education personnel to the provincial government, district government, municipal government and related institutions (4) obstacles encountered, ) budget cuts (self blocking) so that the number of targets to be reduced from the planned target. (b) the invited participant can not attend due to concurrent activities in their respective regions.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Maria Rosa, Zainuddin, Yusnadi , " Widyaiswara Performance for Improving the Competency of Vocational Teacher in PPPTK BBL Medan, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 4, Issue 4, pp.83-93, March-April-2018.