Solar Tracking Methodologies for PV Panels
PV Panel, Single-axis tracking, Dual-axis tracking, PVsyst software.Abstract
Solar energy is rapidly gaining popularity as an important means of expanding renewable energy resources. Solar energy is used with photovoltaic modules or panels to convert it into electrical energy. As demand of electricity is increasing day by day it is vital to understand the technologies associated with these tracking methodologies. Solar panels can be used with a stationary balance structure or with a single axis or dual axis tracking system. This paper provides a comparative study of various tracking methods with a stationary structure system. Tracking can be done using LDR method or Uniform tracking method or Space time synchronization method. The analysis is carried out on a grid connected solar photovoltaic system (SPV) of rated capacity of 400 kWp, designed and simulated on PVsyst V6.43 – Photovoltaic Systems Software. Analysis has been done for Jaipur location and it is found that in single axis tracking, the energy produced yearly by PV panels was increased by 4.91 % and by using dual axis tracking, the energy produced by PV panels increased by 22.91 % when compared with fixed solar system.
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