The Influence of Organizational Culture, Principal Managerial Skills, Job Satisfaction on Teacher's Commitment in State Junior High Pematang Siantar School


  • Ester Meilisa Purba  SMPN 2 Dolok Panribuan Teachers of Medan State University, Indonesia
  • Biner Ambarita  Lecturer of Medan State University, Indonesia
  • Sahat Siagian  


Culture Organization, Headmaster’s Managerial Skills, Work Satisfaction, Teacher Commitment


This study aims to find and describe (1) direct influence of organizational culture on job satisfaction in State Junior High School Pematang Siantar; (2) direct influence of principal managerial skills on job satisfaction (3) direct influence of organizational culture on teacher commitment; (4) direct influence there is a direct positive effect of the managerial skill of the school principal on teacher commitment (5) the direct effect of job satisfaction on teacher commitment. This research uses quantitative method with path analysis. The population is all teachers of Pematang Siantar City as many as 250 people. The sample size of 146 people is determined using Issac and Michael. Sampling technique with proportional random sampling. The data collection instrument was conducted using a questionnaire. Instruments tested the validity with product moment with the acceptance level of 95% or at a significant level of 0.05. Reliability is calculated by the alpha coefficient formula. Prior to testing the hypothesis first tested the requirements analysis that is Normality Test with Lilifors, Homogeneity Test with Bartlett formula, and regression analysis to test linearity (ANAVA). The results of this study indicate: (1) there is a direct positive influence of organizational culture on job satisfaction, (2) there is a direct positive influence of managerial skill of school at work satisfaction; (3) there is positive direct influence of organizational culture toward teacher commitment; (4) there is direct positive influence of managerial skill toward school teacher commitment and (5) there is a positive direct effect of job satisfaction on teacher commitment. Thus the overall hypothesis is acceptable. The results of this study found that the variable Organizational Culture, Skills Managerial Head of School, Job Satisfaction in Teacher Commitment in State Junior High School Pematang Siantar.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Ester Meilisa Purba, Biner Ambarita, Sahat Siagian, " The Influence of Organizational Culture, Principal Managerial Skills, Job Satisfaction on Teacher's Commitment in State Junior High Pematang Siantar School , International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 4, Issue 4, pp.309-317, March-April-2018.