Road Side Speed Sign Monitoring and Controlling System on Raspberry Pi


  • C. Preethi  M. Tech Student, Department of Embedded System Sri Venkateswara Engineering College for Women, Tirupathi,Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Dr. C. Chandrasekhar  Professor& Head of The Department Of ECE, Department of Embedded System Sri Venkateswara Engineering College for Women, Tirupathi,Andhra Pradesh, India


Raspberry pi, USB camera, motor driver, motor, LCD display, road side speed sign controlling.


The images can be processed in order to get desired results for many other applications by Digital image processing. We determine the road side speed sign detecting, monitoring and controlling by using the raspberry pi, which is single board computer. We are designing system to avoid road accidents with updated technology. Many systems are designed with implemented with wireless technology like zigbee, RF communication, Bluetooth, GPS and GSM. But we cannot reduce accidents on roads due to lot of population in now a days. So we are approaching new SOC which is most accurate in executing application. Here we are using raspberry pi, web camera, LCD, motor driver and motor. When there is any road signs are observed beside the road, the vehicle gets engine off so to make driver to observe the sign. By this system we can save life of travelers. In this project the car’s speed can be controlled automatically by using motor driver when speed signs displayed on the LCD screen using raspberry pi.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

C. Preethi, Dr. C. Chandrasekhar, " Road Side Speed Sign Monitoring and Controlling System on Raspberry Pi, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 4, Issue 8, pp.614-619, May-June-2018.