Effect of Principal Managerial Supervision Organization Climate and Work Satisfaction to the Performance of School Health SD Negeri In Medan


  • Tirauyah  Supervisor at SDN in Medan, Indonesia
  • Paningkat Siburian  Lecturer of Medan State University, Indonesia
  • Abdul Muin Sibuea  Lecturer of Medan State University, Indonesia


Managerial Supervision, Organizational Climate, Job Satisfaction, Performance.


This research aims to discover the effect of school principal managerial supervision, organizational climate, and job satisfaction towards the performance of school principals at State Elementary Schools in Medan simultaneously and partially. The study employed Explanatory Research with Ex Post Facto Research Design. The research population included all school principals from State Elementary Schools in Medan comprising 382 individuals from 194 schools as the sample of this study obtained through Proportional Random sampling. The data were collected with questionnaire with closed-ended questions,analysed with SPSS program version 24. The research findings showed that all five hypotheses formulated were accepted. The findings showed that: (1) there was a direct effect of managerial supervision towards performance with path coefficient 0,225. (2) there was a direct effect of organizational climate towards performance with path coefficient 0,156. (3) there was a direct effect of job satisfaction towards performance with path coefficient 0,405. (4) there a direct effect of managerial supervision towards job satisfaction with path coefficient 0,469. (5) there was a direct effect of organizational climate towards job satisfaction with path coefficient 0,401.Meanwhile there was an indirect effect of managerial supervision towards performance through job satisfaction with 0,188 and there was an indirect effect of organizational climate towards performance through job satisfaction with 0,162. The most dominant variable towards performance was job satisfaction, while the most dominant variable towards job satisfaction was managerial supervision. Based on the research finding, it can be stated that improving the performance of school principals can be achieved through the improvement of managerial supervision,the establishment of good organizational climate, and the improvementof job satisfaction of Elementaryschool principals. Meanwhile, improving the Elementary school principals` job satisfaction can be achieved through the improvement of managerial supervision, and the establishment of organizational climate.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Tirauyah, Paningkat Siburian, Abdul Muin Sibuea, " Effect of Principal Managerial Supervision Organization Climate and Work Satisfaction to the Performance of School Health SD Negeri In Medan, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 4, Issue 9, pp.75-86, July-August-2018.