Application of Generalized Structural Component Analysis to Identify Relation between Accreditation and National Assessment


  • Iswan Achlan Setiawan  Department of Statistics, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia
  • Budi Susetyo  Department of Statistics, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia
  • Anwar Fitrianto  Department of Statistics, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia



Generalized Structured Component Analysis, National Education Standard, National Assessment


National Education Standards (SNP) is the minimum criteria set by the government in the education system. SNP serves as the basis of educational development strategy based on national evaluation result such as national assessment. SNP is a latent variable that cannot be measured. Currently, the causality of SNP is still in debate. There are several educational theories that explain the causality of SNP. This study employed the generalized structured component analysis to identify relationship between SNP and UNBK. Based on the evaluation of the measurement model, it was found that there were 11 indicators that were not significant out of 121 indicators in model. Based on the evaluation of the structural model, it was found that path coefficient of SI to PA was also not significant in model. Based on overall goodness of fit, the FIT value of model is 0.630 and AFIT value is 0.629 which mean that the total variant of all variables that can be explained by the model is 63% based on FIT value and 62.9% based on AFIT value. Based on the result on this study, we found that National Education Standards that have a significant effect on academic achievement are standard of competency (SKL), standard of process (SPR), and standard of assessment (SPN).


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Iswan Achlan Setiawan, Budi Susetyo, Anwar Fitrianto, " Application of Generalized Structural Component Analysis to Identify Relation between Accreditation and National Assessment, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 4, Issue 10, pp.93-97, September-October-2018. Available at doi :