Development Strategy for Smallholding Plantation Commodities in West Aceh Regency


  • Fandi Purnama  Department of Soil Science and Land Resource, Regional and Rural Development Planning, IPB University, West Java, Indonesia
  • Andrea Emma Pravitasari  Department of Soil Science and Land Resource, Regional and Rural Development Planning, IPB University, West Java, Indonesia
  • Widiatmaka  Department of Soil Science and Land Resource, IPB University, West Java, Indonesia



A'WOT, Development Strategy, Leading Commodities, Smallholding Plantation


Plantation commodities in West Aceh Regency are one of the regional economic potency that need to be developed because this regency has enormous land potency and plays an important role in improving the regional economy and the socio-economic life of the community. This study aims to 1) find out the leading commodities of smallholding plantation in each sub-district in West Aceh Regency, and (2) the drafting a strategy for developing smallholding plantation commodities in West Aceh Regency. Location Quotient (LQ) and Shift Share Analysis (SSA) method were used to determine leading commodities. Factors of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats were analyzed descriptively. The development of a smallholding plantation strategy uses the A'WOT approach. A'WOT is a combination of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) methods. The results of the study show that the commodities of smallholding plantation in West Aceh Regency are oil palm, rubber and coconut. the main strengths factor for the development strategy of smallholding plantation commodities is the potency of large land but has not been used optimally, the main weakness factor is access to capital which is still very limited while the opportunity factors that are the main factors are the contribution to the regional economy is very high and the main threats factor namely environmental issues. The application of the strategy to the development of smallholding plantation commodities, namely strengths-opportunities, namely the development of strengths by exploiting opportunities.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Fandi Purnama, Andrea Emma Pravitasari, Widiatmaka, " Development Strategy for Smallholding Plantation Commodities in West Aceh Regency, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 6, Issue 4, pp.182-193, July-August-2019. Available at doi :