Challenges Faced by Banking Software Developing Companies in India


  • Dr. Mansi Kukreja  Associate Professor, IBMR, IPS Academy, Indore, India
  • Dr. Heena Upadhyay  Associate Professor, IBMR, IPS Academy, Indore, India



Expansion, Up Gradation, Challenges, High-Speed Transaction, Amplifying Efficiency, Stumbling Block.


This study highlights the expansion in banking industry and up gradation of technology in banking sector. As the sector is growing day by day it is facing many challenges in all segments. Technology is also one of them. Technology has made many changes in Indian banking sector like high-speed of transaction, amplifying efficiency of cost, increased in the use of banking software through online banking and make all kind of transactions possible. By this study an attempt was made to highlight the major challenge and confront faced by the banking software developing companies in India. It will also underline the top banking software developer in India and stumbling block in the path of their development. At last it would emphasis on the solutions to their problem.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Dr. Mansi Kukreja, Dr. Heena Upadhyay, " Challenges Faced by Banking Software Developing Companies in India, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 7, Issue 3, pp.547-552, May-June-2020. Available at doi :