Survey Paper on Design and Development of Workplace Monitoring System for Laboratories


  • Ankit Rathod  Department of Computer Science and Engineering, S.B. Jain Institute of Technology, Management and Research, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
  • Saurabh Wase  Department of Computer Science and Engineering, S.B. Jain Institute of Technology, Management and Research, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
  • Purushottam Bawne  Department of Computer Science and Engineering, S.B. Jain Institute of Technology, Management and Research, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
  • Sandip Shende  Department of Computer Science and Engineering, S.B. Jain Institute of Technology, Management and Research, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
  • Shubham Bargaiya  Department of Computer Science and Engineering, S.B. Jain Institute of Technology, Management and Research, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India


Personal Digital Assistant


More effort has focused on integrating instructional technologies into classrooms than has focused on assessing the impact of these technologies on teaching and learning performance. To evaluate whether computer technology is beneficial to the teaching and learning process requires that we first develop a system to understand what students in a classroom do when there are computers in front of them. We identify the requirements for such a system and then describe a prototype system that uses off-the-shelf spyware as its main component. We report findings from a pilot study we conducted in a computer-equipped composition classroom. Our results show that while the monitoring system captured the necessary data, the use of an off-the-shelf tool did not completely satisfy all of our system requirements. Additional customization work on keystroke recording and password protection is necessary to effectively monitor real-time student in-class activities.







Research Articles

How to Cite

Ankit Rathod, Saurabh Wase, Purushottam Bawne, Sandip Shende, Shubham Bargaiya, " Survey Paper on Design and Development of Workplace Monitoring System for Laboratories, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 5, Issue 6, pp.403-405, March-2019.