Implementation of DTC in Induction Motor Using Anfis Pi Controller
Direct Torque Control (DTC), Space Vector Modulation (SVM), Speed Sensorless Induction Motor (IM) Drive, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)Abstract
This paper describes a mix of direct torque control (DTC) and space vector modulation (SVM) for a customizable speed sensorless induction motor (IM) drive. The motor drive is provided by a two-level SVPWM inverter. The inverter reference voltage is gotten in view of information output criticism linearization control, utilizing the IM display in the stator – axes reference frame with stator current furthermore; transition vectors segments as state factors. Additionally, a powerful full-arrange versatile stator transition observer is intended for a speed sensorless DTC-SVM system and another speed-versatile law is given. By outlining the observer pick up matrix in view of state criticism H_? control hypothesis, the strength and robustness of the observer systems is guaranteed. At last, the viability and validity of the proposed control approach is verified by simulation results.
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