Borewell Rescue Robot Using Bluetooth


  • Prof. Vaibhav A. Vyavahare  Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, HSBPVT'S GOI Parikrama College of Engineering Kashti, Maharashtra, India
  • Pallavi P. Popalghat  Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, HSBPVT'S GOI Parikrama College of Engineering Kashti, Maharashtra, India
  • Ashwini S.Kurumkar   Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, HSBPVT'S GOI Parikrama College of Engineering Kashti, Maharashtra, India
  • Reshma J. Nagawade  Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, HSBPVT'S GOI Parikrama College of Engineering Kashti, Maharashtra, India
  • Prof. Sudhir N Divekar  Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, HSBPVT'S GOI Parikrama College of Engineering Kashti, Maharashtra, India
  • Dr. Vijay N Patil  Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, HSBPVT'S GOI Parikrama College of Engineering Kashti, Maharashtra, India


Robot, Bluetooth, Arduino.


The aim of this proposed system is to give an innovative concept to handle the bore well rescue Operations without human intervention and to inspect any type of leakage in the pipe. Normal operation of child rescue is done by using big machines with large manpower involvement. It takes more time to rescue a child from the bore well and to check any kind of irregularities in pipe. The three finger mechanisms are employed in this design to go inside the pipe. The three finger mechanism is circumferentially and symmetrically spaced out 120o apart. The robot is made adaptive so that it can adjust its three finger mechanism according to the pipeline dimensions. This structural design makes it possible to have the adaptation to the diameter of pipe and to have adjustable attractive force towards the walls of pipe. In this proposed system, the condition of trapped child is captured with USB Camera and monitored on laptop. LM-35 Temperature Sensor is interfaced with Arduino to sense the temperature inside the bore well and to display it on terminal display on laptop. The robot structure consists of power supply, development board of Arduino and gear motors. Adding a claw or gripper was the initial hurdle for which additional power supply and DC gear motor were needed. The proposed system is intended to reduce the risk involved during the child rescue operation by analysing the situation and also to provide an option detect any leakage inside the pipe.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Prof. Vaibhav A. Vyavahare, Pallavi P. Popalghat, Ashwini S.Kurumkar , Reshma J. Nagawade, Prof. Sudhir N Divekar, Dr. Vijay N Patil, " Borewell Rescue Robot Using Bluetooth, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 7, Issue 3, pp.500-504, May-June-2020.