Drought Assessment and Monitoring for Rajshahi District Using Meteorological Drought Indices
Drought, Drought Indices, Precipitation, Temperature.Abstract
An analysis for drought condition has been made in the Rajshahi district of Bangladesh. The assessment of drought for the country has become an urgent need. The agriculture of the country is dependent on the amount of precipitation. As drought and precipitation are inversely related so it is desired to know the condition of Rajshahi. The main characteristics that define drought are the absence of precipitation for a lengthy period and a low distribution of rainfall in contrast to the normal climatic condition. The monthly maximum average temperature data, monthly minimum average temperature data and total monthly precipitation data for the last 48 years (1971-2019) from Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) are utilized for the analysis process. An online software named DrinC is preferred due to its open-source platform and its user-friendly interface. The meteorological data serve as inputs for the software. The Deciles Index (DI), the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and the Reconnaissance Drought Index (RDI) have been used to identify the drought condition of Rajshahi. The values of the DI and SPI are generated from the precipitation data. However, for the generation of the RDI, the precipitation data as well as the potential evapo-transpiration (PET) data, which is an intermediate data that is generated from the two different types of temperature data via DrinC software are used. The values of SPI, RDI and DI values are presented in a tabular as well as in graphical form. From the comparison of these data and from the study of the recurrence interval the state and the repetition of drought in Rajshahi district can be determined.
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