Automatically Identifying the Text Name Detection with Speech Output for Blind Persons


  • D.Ramya  ECE Department, SNS College of Technology, Coimabtore, Tamil Nadu, India
  • K.Sumathi  ECE Department, SNS College of Technology, Coimabtore, Tamil Nadu, India


Image capturing, Text, Region detection, Character recognition, Speech output, Mat lab software.


The camera-based assistive text reading framework to share the information for blind persons to read text name and product packaging from hand-held objects in their day-to-day life is proposed. The work consists of three stages. First is image capturing –by using a mini camera, the text which the user want to read will get captured as an image and have to transfer to the image processing platform. Second is text recognition –by single text recognition algorithm, the text will get filtered from the image in the screen. Third is speech output - the filtered text will be shared into system to get an audio speech output. The entire process is done with the help of MATLAB software.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

D.Ramya, K.Sumathi, " Automatically Identifying the Text Name Detection with Speech Output for Blind Persons , International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp.424-428, March-April-2016.