Prayag In Astrological View : A Consultation


  • Rajesh Kumar  



Derivation of Astrology - Due to Duprat Dattau metal, the word "Dutarisinadache za" is derived from the word "dutarisinadache za" and the word "astrology" is derived from multiplication by the decree and posterity formula. Astrology is made in three forms - astrology, Halant experiment, which means light, splendor, glow or lightness. On the other hand, using astrology word "Arshadibhaiya Ach" means astrology, which means celestial body. Third experiment Astrology is derived from the word Aya suffix, which means astrology related to mathematical form and code. Thus the use of the word astrology in three forms is prevalent. Some derivatives of Acharya Astrology are called 'Jyotishan Suryaadigahanan Bododak Sansatrama'. That is, the paraphrase of the Sun's planets has been given the noun of astrology. Rishi Laghad has called astrology as chronology. Tasmud Id chronology The etymology of scripture is done in two different ways. 1. The government which teaches the scripture means do not do it, it is the scripture. 2. Shastanadapa of the scriptures That is, the meaning of a purpose, which is to be understood, is the science of scriptures. On the basis of both the derivatives, one can say that whatever is the nature of any object, that is, which is the meaning of the scripture. Therefore, the meaning of astrology means - the nature and knowledge of the truth through the light of the planets, the tendency of human beings in the works of Kudra Vakavtattya, Hayododheya, Punya Puran Saddas, and the retirement.


  1. Veda is the subject of the YagyaMabhiprutta: Kalanee Purva Vihitas Yagna.  Tasmedidan chaletology, yo astrology Vedas Ved Yagnam ..
  2. Vedanga, Astrology Schlok-3
  3. Inspiration and Scripture only Prakrta astrologer Shandh Chandra Shukrao is the witness of the truth ..
  4. Matsya Purana, 104.5
  5. Matsya Purana, 109.15






Research Articles

How to Cite

Rajesh Kumar, " Prayag In Astrological View : A Consultation, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 3, Issue 6, pp.474-477, September-October-2017.