Monthly variation in Rainfall Attenuation for Ka band Satellite Communication for monsoon in Ahmedabad and New Delhi


  • Alpesh H. Dafda  Research Scholar, Gujarat Technological University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
  • Dr. Kishor G. Maradia  Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Government Engineering College, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India


Ka band, Satellite Communication, India, Rainfall Intensity, Rainfall Attenuation, Kothyari and Garde IDF equation, GSAT-14, ITU R model, ITU-R P618.8 rain attenuation model, ITU-R P837.6, June, July, August, September (JJAS), Indian Meteorogical Department (IMD), Ahmedabad, New Delhi, 122 days long monsoon of 64 years (1951 to 2014), fade mitigation techniques.


Rainfall attenuation plays a major role in link failure for Satellite Communication. When Ka band Satellite Communication is used, it becomes worse. India is a tropical country and so experiences heavy rainfall in the season of monsoon. Rainfall attenuation for entire monsoon is estimated for Ahmedabad and New Delhi from database of 64 years (1951 to 2014) taken from IMD. Attenuation for whole monsoon of 122 days is estimated for Ahmedabad and New Delhi locations of India. Coarse data taken from Indian Meteorogical Department is used for estimation. A novel method is invented for estimation which uses Kothyari and Garde equation for obtaining rainfall intensity for 60 minutes integration time. This data is converted to 1 minute integration time using ITU-R P 837.6. This 1 minute integration rainfall intensity is applied to ITU-R P 618.8 for estimation of rainfall attenuation in dBs. The obtained results are also matching with other works for Ka band for India.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Alpesh H. Dafda, Dr. Kishor G. Maradia, " Monthly variation in Rainfall Attenuation for Ka band Satellite Communication for monsoon in Ahmedabad and New Delhi, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 3, Issue 6, pp.75-79, September-October-2017.