Job Performance and Job Satisfaction of Female Faculties in Technical Educational Institution Based on Job Profile and Employer Commitment with Special Reference to Dakshina Kananda District


  • Veena Santhosh Rai  Research Scholar & Assistant Professor, Department of MBA, Srinivas Institute of technology, Valachil, Mangalore, Karnataka, India



Employer Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Job Performance, Job profile Technical Education, Female Faculties, Job Profile, Demographical Variables


The current study aims to “Job Performance and Job Satisfaction of Female Faculties in Technical Educational Institution Based on Job Profile and Employer Commitment with Special Reference to Dakshina Kananda District.The sample consisted of 615 females from 11 engineering colleges affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU)from five Taluks of Dakshina Kannada District. Descriptive statistics such as Mean, and SD was used to understand the Organizational role, Job performance, Employer Commitment and job satisfaction for which female faculty in engineering colleges have the highest and lowest scores. Percentage distribution of respondents According to Organizational role, Job performance, Employer Commitment and job satisfaction. Kruskal Wallis test on job profile and demographical variables and job performance was done. Mann Whitney U test fro Demographical variables and job performance. Regression Coefficients was done for employer commitment. Results indicate that Majority of the respondents were actively involved in their role in the organization, their job performance meets the expectation and employers are committed towards their employees. Majority of them were highly satisfied with their job. The study reveals that the difference in the job performance of respondents with different education qualification. and Designation was significant. There was highly significant difference in Job performance of respondents with different Salary scale (χ2 =26.785, p=.000). Whereas no significant difference was observed in job performance for other job profile variables. The current study gives us an insight into the challenges faced by faculty in engineering colleges and can further be used as a frame work to develop strategies to improve the quality of engineering education.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Veena Santhosh Rai, " Job Performance and Job Satisfaction of Female Faculties in Technical Educational Institution Based on Job Profile and Employer Commitment with Special Reference to Dakshina Kananda District, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 4, Issue 10, pp.66-76, September-October-2018. Available at doi :