Kavyaprakash Men Abhidha Shakti Ke Vivechan Men Vyakaranmat


  • Dr. Pramod Kumar Mishra   Assistant Professor, Department of Sanskrit, Government College Pachavas Basti, Uttar Pradesh, India


Abhidha (power), grammar, caste, quality, verb etc.


In poetry, for knowledge of meaning from words, it is necessary to have knowledge of word powers. These words are also called instinct or business of powers. According to Nageshbhatt, instinct is the form of meaning-matter-matter relation. In literature, three word powers are generally accepted for verification of meaning from word behavior - title, symptom and consonant or connotation. The philosophers accept the epithet, symptoms and connotations for the meaning of Acharya, while the phonetic Acharya accepts the epithet, symptoms and consonant. Nyaya and Vedanta consider titles and symptoms, grammar considers titles and consonants. The individualist Acharya Mahimabhatta and the philosopher Acharya Mukulbhatt accept only one power (instinct) for word behavior- Gender ? ???????????? ?? ???????????????????? ?? (Discretion 1. 27) The poet Prakash Mammat has discussed the word powers in the second and third exhilaration. Mammatacharya accepts three word powers for verification of meaning from word behavior - adjective, symptom and consonant. Mammat has discussed the title and symptoms in Kavyaprakash on the basis of the epistemology of the philosopher Acharya Mukulbhatt. In addition to Kavyaprakash, Mammootty has given a clear and detailed discussion of the power of words by refuting and coordinating the views of Mukulbhatt in his book 'Shabdavyaparvichar'.


  1. Kavyaprakash, II Ullas, Karika-8
  2. Word-trade: Yes, the main thing. अर्थवसेयस्य पुनर्लक्ष्यमाणत्वमुच्यते ।। Abhidhavruttamatrika, Mukhyamukhaparichay, Karika-1
  3. He is also known as Survivya Hastadibhyavayavevya: Purvam Mukhamvalakyate, Tadvadev Sarvabhya: Pratiyamanevhyarthantarevya: Purvamavagamyate. Tadeva, Ki Vritti, p. 2
  4. Sati Sakshatsanketitah, Kavyaprakash, Dwitiya Ullas, Kritika-8 Ki Vritti, p. 40
  5. Tadev, Sutra - 10
  6. Agrihitasanketasya Shabdsyartha Pratipatterbhavat Sankatsahay and Shabdartha Pratipadayati Vocabulary: p. - 1
  7. Kavyaprakash (Balbodhini), II Ullas, p. 32
  8. Individuals who are prone to retirement, as well as those who are prone to recurrence of the disease, indicate that they are not able to do so. Ka0pra0, bi0u0, p. 31, 32
  9. This is not a sign of travel. Kavyaprakash, II Ullas, p. 31
  10. Tadupadhaveva Hint: Tadeva, p. 33
  11. of. Q., bi., P. 33
  12. आकृतिर्हि नित्या द्रव्यमनित्यम्, व्याकरणमहाभाष्यम्। Q0 psp0, p. 39
  13. नित्यमेकमनेकानुगतं सामान्यम्। द्रव्यगुणकर्मवृत्तिः। There are two types of paraphernalia. Param Satta, Aparam Dravyatvadih, Tarkasangraha, p. 105
  14. Abhidhavrittamatrika, Upadhi Chatushtayavadah, p. 5
  15. Abhidhavrittamatrika, Dr. Reva Prasad Dwivedi, p
  16. Kavyaprakash, II Ullas, p. 33
  17. Dvitiy¨ Gunah, Shukladina Hi Labdhasattaka Vastu Vishisyate, Tadev, p. 34
  18. Sadhya: Purvaparibhutavayava: Kriyarupah, Tadeva, p
  19. Kavyaprakash, II Ullas, p. 35
  20. Kavyaprakash, II Ullas, p. 36
  21. Sahityadarpan, 2nd paragraph, p. 43






Research Articles

How to Cite

Dr. Pramod Kumar Mishra , " Kavyaprakash Men Abhidha Shakti Ke Vivechan Men Vyakaranmat, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 4, Issue 6, pp.310-314, January-February-2018.