In the Jain Puranas, the King's Rights and Duties


  • Nilesh Mishra  Sukshatra Sanskrit Department, Allahabad University, Allahabad, India



According to King's study in Jain Puranas, it is known that the king was the supreme authority of his kingdom. He was the leader of the monarchy, army, administration and judiciary. His rights were unlimited. He used to appoint high officials, ambassadors, monks and governors of his country. According to Mahapurana, the state was expected to appoint his son or brother in his place in place of the dead person in the war. Regarding the King's daily routine in Jain Puranas, it has been mentioned that the king rose from the bed and worshiped gods and gurus. After this he would sit with the queen on the throne in the hall. It is mentioned in the Mahapuraan that the object of Raja's instinct was to see that the unbiased observation of all, protecting the totality, protecting himself by intellect, and following the people. It is described in Mahapuraan that he used to perform various functions in relation to religion, meaning and work in his kingdom. In the Puranas, the king gave the time to meet his people. This idea is also available to us in the Jnanayatra Granth Mahabharata.


  1. Gulab Chandra Chaudhary-Political History of Northern India from Jain Sources, Amritsar, 1963, p. 333, but Krishna Ghosh, the origin of the nation in Hindu politics, Lover Abhinandan Granth, Tikamgarh, 1946, p. 272, Economics 8.1 ..
  2. And in the Nripodi Mahatma Mahavyamukhya Mahavya Sadhu. Father of the Nation (Maha 42.151)
  3. Great 41.121,62.100,64.18
  4. Saman Sankajasten Kulamatitam Palanam. Prasannupalan Chetya Prakarta Vrittarma Hikshitamam .. (Maha 38.281)
  5. Great 41.103
  6. pp. 11.46
  7. Mahabharata Shantiparva 60.19, Mahabharata Syllabus 5.116.
  8. Great 42.20-29.
  9. Great 67.111
  10. The same 67.109
  11. Nareshvara Urgitashyacharya or Bhishabhajan Praharanti Jatu
  12. No Brahmins or Shramans, no women, no animals or no animals. (Pp 66.90)
  13. 12.75.52
  14. Harivansh 14.7, Maha. 41.82,50.3.
  15. Maha. 38.270-280
  16. pp. 21.54
  17. Vishnudharma Sutra 3.2-3, Mahabharata, Shantiparv 68.1-4, Manu. 7.144, Vasishtha 19.7-8, Raghuvansh 14.67.
  18. B. B. Mishra, Palati in the Agniputaran, Calcutta, 1965, p. 32.
  19. Butkrishna Ghosh, Wahi, p.272.
  20. PA, Land, 66.159.
  21. Recognition Shakuntala, 516, Looking for this type of description 5.4-5,7.
  22. Prajnas give a dedication on the day of death. People of the world (P.U., Land, 82.23)
  23. Raja Hei Pithayinath: Prajan Palayte Sadaa. Dharmmurthy: RajendragtaSmasamaramanhi Rakshayet (P.U., Land, 27.31)
  24. The same, land, 27.33.
  25. same, land, 37.7-10.
  26. Dharanadharmayyahahah: Dharmodharayata Prajna. (Mahabharata, KaranParva, 69.58)






Research Articles

How to Cite

Nilesh Mishra, " In the Jain Puranas, the King's Rights and Duties, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 3, Issue 6, pp.1045-1048, September-October-2017.