Tesseract OCR Based Assistive For Visually Impaired Person


  • Subin Saju  Department of Computer Science and Engineering, TKM Institute of Technology, Karuvelil, Kollam, Kerala, India
  • Athira B  Department of Computer Science and Engineering, TKM Institute of Technology, Karuvelil, Kollam, Kerala, India
  • Sherin James  Department of Computer Science and Engineering, TKM Institute of Technology, Karuvelil, Kollam, Kerala, India
  • Mruthula N R  Department of Computer Science and Engineering, TKM Institute of Technology, Karuvelil, Kollam, Kerala, India


Ultrasonic Sensor, OCR, gTTS tool, Personal Assistant, Machine Learning, Chat-Bot, IOT enabled Location tracker.


This paper proposes the concept that helping or guiding a visually impaired person for their day by day activities. This paper proposes the concept based on voice based assistive for these kinds of peoples. It involves text extraction from a captured image and then coverts it into speech by using the gTTS tool from google. The system is designed based on RASPBERRY PI and the portability has been achieved by using a rechargeable battery. This system consists of various modules such as ULTRASONIC sensor for detecting the obstacles in front of them and PERSONAL ASSISTANT based on machine learning helps in make the system more interactive to the user and an Android based chat bot helps in the communication with their relatives or friends also it consists of tracker based on IOT and GPS helps in storing the location history that they travelled. This system will helps lots of peoples who are suffering from this disability.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Subin Saju, Athira B, Sherin James, Mruthula N R, " Tesseract OCR Based Assistive For Visually Impaired Person, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 5, Issue 9, pp.132-138, May-2019.