Botany in Sanskrit Literature


  • Dr. Anita Sengupta  Associate Professor, Sanskrit Department, Ishwar Sharan Degree College, Allahabad, India


Sanskrit, literature, medicine, botany, vegetation, poetry.


The word oshadhi has been widely used in Sanskrit literature, in which all kinds of trees come to vegetation. Medicines mainly have two distinctions - vegetative and medicinal. Botany is the word for trees and medicine is the word for small plants. In the Rig Veda two distinctions of vegetation are made - vegetation and vegetation. Vegetation for large trees and botanical terms for relatively small trees. Similarly, there are two distinctions of Oushadhi as well - Oushadhi and Virudha. Those occurring in the form of small plants, those in the form of oshadhi and lata gulmadi, have been called Virudh. The article presented sheds light on the botany inherent in Sanskrit poetry.


  1. Flowering Method: -32
  2. Flowering Method: -8
  3. Floriculture method: -9
  4. Transaction-2307
  5. Pushpvatikavidhi: -19
  6. Floriculture: -20
  7. Pushpvatikavidhi: Lataparankaranam-2
  8. Archaism: -2305-6
  9. Pushpvatikavidhi: -11
  10. Pushpvatikavidhi: -11
  11. Pushpvatikavidhi: -12
  12. Pushpvatikavidhi: -17)
  13. Pushpvatikavidhi: -18
  14. Archaism: -2302
  15. Pushpvatikavidhi: -27, Sharadhradhapradhathi: -2304
  16. Pushpvatikavidhi: -27, Sharadhrapradhidhi: -2303
  17. Pushpvatikavidhi: -5
  18. Pushpvatikavidhi: -15
  19. Pushpvatikavidhi: -13
  20. Archaism: -2308
  21. Archaism: -2280






Research Articles

How to Cite

Dr. Anita Sengupta, " Botany in Sanskrit Literature, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 3, Issue 8, pp.1257-1264, November-December-2017.