Review on different welding techniques of Titanium and its alloys
Titanium, Welding, Titanium AlloysAbstract
Titanium and its alloys are the most commonly and most widely used due to its significant properties like good biocompatibility , good tensile strength , low density , and good creep property up to 300 degrees centigrade .It is used in the major engineering fields like civil engineering , nuclear engineering , aerospace engineering etc., but the welding of titanium in industries has become a major challenging objective to the fabricators because, a lot of titanium alloys are found in the form of sheets , problem arises mainly while fabricating the space crafts , marine bodies , jet engine’s where the ends are need to be joined through welding with a similar or dissimilar metals and titanium possess to have a very high tendency to oxidize at higher temperatures .As Titanium becomes highly reactive to chemicals in its environment. In regular air, welding contaminates titanium with carbides, nitrides, and oxides that make the weld and HAZ (heat-affected zone) brittle, resulting in lower fatigue resistance and notch toughness. so, In order to get a perfect weld it is very important to avoid the molten metal to the exposure of atmospheric air , which will lead to porosity and results into a poor welding conditions or welding defects. This paper reviews the different methods of welding titanium and its alloys.
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