Impact of Globalization on "Domestic Violence" (with special reference to Rewa District)


  • Dr. Hemalatha  Local Fund Audit Department, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India


Domestic violence. Atrocities, globalization family ties.


Domestic violence, any act or movement or any physical or mental act that endangers the health of a woman or children (boys and girls under 18), endangers life, crisis situation, financial loss which is unbearable and It makes women and children sad and humiliated. Verbal and emotional violence includes sexual and economic violence or threatening etc. Unbearable treatment of women mentally and physically due to racism or any other reason is called domestic violence. The Domestic Violence Act was enacted in 2005 and came into force on October 26, 2006. Proceedings under this Act are conducted by Women and Child Development. The biggest cause of education among girls in our country is poverty. Education and poor morale are found in most of the rural women today. Vala is a violent behavior that has caused physical and mental trauma to the woman. The act of torturing women physically, mentally and verbally etc. is called domestic violence. Women are persecuted in many ways today. Widows are deprived of many rights. They are given many kinds of tortures. Even women are burnt alive for dowry. In the era of globalization, the difficulties of women have increased. Increasing mechanization has led to job insecurity, low wages, neglect of traditional skills, arbitrary conditions of foreign companies, inability of our laws before them, increasing corruption, these conditions are unable to bring justice to women due to globalization. Is being hunted. Men and women are being discriminated in the same work. There is a difference in the salaries of both. Even today women are suffering from illiteracy, malnutrition and poverty. Today there is a need to link women's labor directly with production. . Its direct relation to production is not ensured whereas indirectly its labor is helpful in production. This is why men became special and women remained unimportant.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Dr. Hemalatha, " Impact of Globalization on "Domestic Violence" (with special reference to Rewa District), International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp.791-799, May-June-2017.