Study Related to the Use of Multicast Technique over Wired Network for Communication among the Nodes


  • Abdul Ahad  Department of Computer Science and Engineering / Information Technology, Azad institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Pervez Rauf Khan  Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Azad institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Dr. Shafeeq Ahmad  Professor, Azad Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow, India


Multicast, Prons and Cons, Unicast Vs Multicast, Ethernet Multicast, Network Congestion, Multicast Application, Conclusion.


In this paper we survey some of the recent service management efforts, that have been successful in the intra-domain, as fall short for the inter-domain. In particular, as we focus on important topics like (1) monitoring multicast reachability between receivers and sources ; (2) understanding the different solutions and challenges between inter- and intra domain service management; and (3) surveying existing solutions for determining whether multicast capability exists on an end-to-end path. Multicast is one of the first “value-added” services to be developed and deployed in the Internet. In evaluating the success of multicast, if ubiquitous deployment has been the goal, multicast was not been successful. However, if widespread use of multicast as bandwidth savings technique has been the goal, multicast has indeed been successful. Upon closer investigation, one of the reasons for only partial success is a lack of support for a service management. Multicast is particularly hard to manage in the inter-domain where it has been less successful, but easier to manage within the domain where network administrators have more smaller networks and control to manage. Our investigation shows that while not much attention was initially given to the multicast service management, more recent efforts have been successful at developing good tools and solutions.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Abdul Ahad, Pervez Rauf Khan, Dr. Shafeeq Ahmad, " Study Related to the Use of Multicast Technique over Wired Network for Communication among the Nodes, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 4, Issue 10, pp.408-412, September-October-2018.