Gender and Age Recognition Using Speech Signal


  • Takale Rutuja  Department of E&TC, HSBPVT's GOI, College of Engineering, Kashti, MH, India
  • Shendge Vrushali  Department of E&TC, HSBPVT's GOI, College of Engineering, Kashti, MH, India
  • Pachpute Snehal  Department of E&TC, HSBPVT's GOI, College of Engineering, Kashti, MH, India
  • Dangat Prajkta  Department of E&TC, HSBPVT's GOI, College of Engineering, Kashti, MH, India
  • Prof. Divekar S. N  Head of Department, Department of E&TC, HSBPVT's GOI, College of Engineering Kashti, MH, India


Gender Recognition, Sentiment Analysis, Age Detection.


For a variety of reasons, automatic age and gender detection in voice applications is critical. One of the reasons is that it has the potential to improve human-machine interaction. The telephone it can also aid in the identification of suspects in criminal situations, or at the very least reduce the number of suspects. A list of suspects other applications of this technique include the modification of waiting queue music. Where, depending on the person's age and gender, a different sort of music might be played. And also using this age and gender recognition system .For a variety of reasons, automatic age and gender detection in voice applications is critical. One of the reasons is that it has the potential to improve human-machine interaction. The telephone it can also aid in the identification of suspects in criminal situations, or at the very least reduce the number of suspects. A list of suspects other applications of this technique include the modification of waiting queue music. Where, depending on the person's age and gender, a different sort of music might be played. And also using this age and gender recognition system.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Takale Rutuja, Shendge Vrushali, Pachpute Snehal, Dangat Prajkta, Prof. Divekar S. N, " Gender and Age Recognition Using Speech Signal, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 9, Issue 3, pp.237-242, May-June-2022.