Decentralized Voting System using Blockchain
Decentralized, Blockchain, Ethereum, Online VotingAbstract
This article explores the use and impact of voting using blockchain technology. As a result of mounting worries about the honesty and security of conventional voting methods, especially in the digital era, the study tackles the requirement for an open, impenetrable, and robust method of conducting elections. A decentralized application on a blockchain platform is designed and implemented using the technique, which makes use of smart contracts for voter registration, ballot generation, and vote counting. The viability of blockchain technology in guaranteeing voter anonymity, data integrity, and cryptographic security are important discoveries. Online voting can be done securely and digitally using blockchain technology. It has great potential to reduce costs and increase voter turnout. Using Blockchain we can secure any application and work securely for that application. Therefore, cryptocurrency, healthcare, real estate, etc. Many applications use blockchain technology. *Blockchain technology encrypts votes, preventing any votes from being tampered with. It allows voters to vote for a candidate only once. The system reduces labor costs and counting errors by providing quick access to election results. This article explains solutions to solve the above problems. Our solution is to use an online voting system based on the Ethereum blockchain. That's why we connect surveys to blockchain technology
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