A Review on Automotive Heavy-Duty Chassis


  • Girish A. Muneshwar Jawaharlal Darda institute of engineering and technology, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India Author
  • Sahil R. Singan Jawaharlal Darda institute of engineering and technology, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India Author
  • Kartik G. Nipane Jawaharlal Darda institute of engineering and technology, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India Author
  • Prajwal R. Veer Jawaharlal Darda institute of engineering and technology, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India Author
  • Aditya G. Deshmukh Jawaharlal Darda institute of engineering and technology, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India Author




Automobile, Chassis, Types, Applications


The chassis frame is a significant part in a vehicle which it carries the entire load acting on the truck as well as different parts of the automobile. So, chassis must be robust enough to resist the shock, twist, vibration and other stresses. Therefore, the study of chassis under both static and dynamic load are crucial. The variable sections of chassis structure are shaped on the basis of varied loads acting along the length of the automotive to overcome the failure and preserve the safety. But the direct major or minor impacts on chassis frames in accidental cases may root the dynamic unbalancing, chassis misalignment and other problems which affect the vehicle performance as well as the appearance. Due to large and sudden bumps during running conditions may produce the vibrations inside the chassis which cause the prior failure in chassis members.

This paper focus on the automotive heavy-duty 407 vehicle chassis under maximum load.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

G. A. . Muneshwar, S. R. . Singan, K. G. . Nipane, P. R. . Veer, and A. G. . Deshmukh, “A Review on Automotive Heavy-Duty Chassis”, Int J Sci Res Sci Eng Technol, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 19–22, Mar. 2024, doi: 10.32628/IJSRSET2411137.

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