Analysis of Multivariate Data Variance Detected Outlier to Determine Factors Influencing Lipid Profile in Diabetes Patients


  • Rahmah Humaeroh Department of Statistics, IPB university, Bogor, Indonesia Author
  • Muhammad Nur Aidi Department of Statistics, IPB university, Bogor, Indonesia Author
  • Bagus Sartono Department of Statistics, IPB university, Bogor, Indonesia Author
  • Nazarina National Research and Inovation Agency, Bogor, Indonesia Author



Diabetes, Outlier, Manova, Mancova


Diabetes is characterized by high blood glucose levels and can lead to cardiovascular complications. This research, will be investigating he factors influencing lipid profile in diabetes patients and the differences in these profiles under various treatments. The research used the MANOVA test to analyze differences in lipid profile under different treatment and controlled for covariates using Mancova. They also used robust methods to address outliers is minimum covariance determinant. The result suggest that gender is a significant factor influencing lipid profile in diabetes patients. The most effective analytical methods were found to be robust manova and robust mancova, with low RMSE values indicating their accuracy.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Rahmah Humaeroh, Muhammad Nur Aidi, Bagus Sartono, and Nazarina, “Analysis of Multivariate Data Variance Detected Outlier to Determine Factors Influencing Lipid Profile in Diabetes Patients”, Int J Sci Res Sci Eng Technol, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 147–154, Mar. 2024, doi: 10.32628/IJSRSET2411213.