An Introduction to Cosmological Models in General Relativity in Self Creation Theory of Gravitation


  • Nikhil Jain Department of Mathematics, Govt. Women Engineering College Ajmer, India Author



General Theory, Principle of Equivalence, Mach’s Principle, Cariolis Field, Cosmology, Cosmological Models, Vectors


We have presented an introduction to Cosmological Models in General Relativity in Self Creation theory of Gravitation various definitions of basic terminology is given. Many principles used in General Relativity are also explained.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Nikhil Jain, “An Introduction to Cosmological Models in General Relativity in Self Creation Theory of Gravitation”, Int J Sci Res Sci Eng Technol, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 337–346, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.32628/IJSRSET24113141.

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