Comparison of Ensemble Method Performance in Classifying Blood Sugar Levels Output from Non-Invasive Device
Blood Glucose, Ensemble Learning, Non-Invasive Device, Rotation ForestAbstract
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a persistent health issue in many countries and is a leading cause of heart disease, kidney failure, and blindness The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimated in 2019 that at least 463 million people worldwide aged 20-79 suffer from diabetes. This number is expected to rise to 578 million by 2030 and 700 million by 2045. Machine learning is a type of machine learning that is very helpful in various fields, including healthcare. In classification cases, ensemble methods classify by combining decisions from several other models, one way being through majority voting. Ensemble methods often produce more accurate classification or prediction results. Several ensemble methods include random forest, extra trees, rotation forest, and double random forest. The data used in this study is part of research on the development and clinical testing of a prototype non-invasive blood glucose monitoring device by the non-invasive biomarking team at IPB. The data includes both invasive and non-invasive blood glucose measurements collected in 2019. This study compares the performance of the random forest, extra trees, rotation forest, and double random forest models on blood glucose level data obtained from non-invasive devices. The research results show that the Rotation Forest algorithm is the best model, with the highest average accuracy compared to the other three algorithms, achieving an accuracy level of 0.7142857 (71.42%).
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