A Review on Real-Time Network Traffic Monitoring and Anomaly Detection System : A Comprehensive Study with User-Friendly Interface and Historical Analysis Capabilities


  • Sakshi Bakhare Department of Computer Science and Engineering, BDCE, Sevagram, Wardha, Maharashtra, India Author
  • Dr. Sudhir W. Mohod Professor & HOD at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, BDCE, Sevagram, Wardha, Maharashtra, India Author




Network Traffic Monitoring, Anomaly Detection System, User-Friendly Interface Historical Analysis, Comprehensive Study


Protecting the integrity and security of computer networks is crucial in an era of all-pervasive digital connectedness. The user-friendly interface and powerful historical analytical capabilities of the Real-Time Network Traffic Monitoring and Anomaly Detection System are highlighted in this review paper's thorough investigation of the system. This technology takes the stage in a setting where conventional security measures frequently fall short against developing threats that blend in with regular network traffic. It provides experienced administrators and newcomers with real-time insights into network traffic. Additionally, its skills for historical analysis come in handy for post-incident investigations and boosting general network security. This assessment emphasizes the system's crucial function in thwarting existing and new network threats, establishing it as a cornerstone of successful cybersecurity plans for both businesses and private citizens. 


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Sakshi Bakhare and Dr. Sudhir W. Mohod, “A Review on Real-Time Network Traffic Monitoring and Anomaly Detection System : A Comprehensive Study with User-Friendly Interface and Historical Analysis Capabilities”, Int J Sci Res Sci Eng Technol, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 23–41, May 2024, doi: 10.32628/IJSRSET.

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