An Overview of Recommender Systems on Social Networks Using LBSN


  • B. Sudha Rani  M.Tech Scholar Department of CSE, NRI Institute of Technology Visadala (V&M),Guntur(Dt), Andhra Pradesh, India
  • D.Vinay Kumar  Assistant Professor Department of CSE, NRI Institute of Technology Visadala (V&M),Guntur(Dt), Andhra Pradesh, India


Big data, Geographical location, Social network services, Recommender systems, Rating prediction


In case of new users these types of reviews plays a vital role in deciding whether to go for that specific service or not. We propose a system which works by rating behavior of social users to predict user service ratings users rating behaviors are focused. In our point of view the rating behavior in this system could be embedded with these aspects: 1) when user had rated the item, what is the rating of that item, 2) what is the item, 3) what are the rating interests of the user that we could find from his/her previous rating history. A factor, rating schedule to represent users daily rating behavior, people generally believe opinions of authorized people, people who are related to them and people who have enough knowledge in that specific domain, here the proposed system comes into play. In the proposed system we fuse four factors they are, user personal interest(related to item’s domain), interpersonal interest similarity between users(related to users interest), similarity in interpersonal rating behavior(related to users rating behavior), and diffusion in interpersonal rating behavior, into a unified matrix-factorized framework. A series of experiments are conducted in huge dataset. The new factors of social network like interpersonal exchange and interest based on circles of friends and challenges for recommender system (RS). Location data functions as the connection between user’s physical behaviors and social networks service by the smart phone or web services. We refer to these social networks know to geographical information as location-based social networks (LBSN).We mine:(1)user’s rating for any item.(2) between user’s rating differences and user-user.(3)interpersonal interest similarity, are a unified rating prediction modules are used to communicate with the user.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

B. Sudha Rani, D.Vinay Kumar, " An Overview of Recommender Systems on Social Networks Using LBSN, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 4, Issue 9, pp.501-506, July-August-2018.