Online Classes - Requisite In School Education


  • Smita Basole   Balbhim Arts , Science and Commerce College , Beed, Maharashtra, India
  • Sunita Bhosle  Balbhim Arts , Science and Commerce College , Beed, Maharashtra, India
  • Kirti Desai  Balbhim Arts , Science and Commerce College , Beed, Maharashtra, India


E-Learning , Traditional, Digital Education, Pandemics


COVID-19 has created such circumstances, which demands transformation in school education. E-learning the key factor leading towards growth of digital market in India. Education is sure and definite way in contributing country’s welfare and individual’s growth. Online courses call for a greater amount motivation and self-discipline than a classroom-based course. Education has also hold back by economic crisis , reduces its out comes . Presently to settle surrounding situations we must set the goal to create traditional educational environment using digital technology. Every individual must need to take education to become a self-developed person . The new hybrid model of education emerges is beneficial in all aspects . Traditional offline learning and e –learning can go hand in hand.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Smita Basole , Sunita Bhosle, Kirti Desai, " Online Classes - Requisite In School Education, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 9, Issue 5, pp.179-181, July-August-2021.