Reutilisation of Bayer Red Mud as Moulding Material in Green Sand Casting Process-An Experimental Study


  • Prof. Sandeep M. Kadane  Department of Production Engineering, KIT’s College of Engineering, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
  • Prof. Bhushan S. Kamble  Department of Production Engineering, KIT’s College of Engineering, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India


Bayer process, Red mud, Green sand, Bentonite, Metal casting, casting defects


Casting defects are usually not by accidents, they occur because some steps in manufacturing cycle does not get properly controlled and somewhere something goes wrong. Metal casting industries are continuously exposed to ever increasing demands regarding their competitiveness, sound quality products as well as in developing their specific casting process. Bayer Red mud which is a waste by product of Aluminum extraction process is dumped in large areas near the sea or nearby ponds. Bayer Red mud is dumped after the neutralization process. Neutralization is done by mechanics of seawater treatment. The mud is actively mixed with the seawater for a period of around 30 minutes to enable the reactions to take place. Clay content had significant effect on permeability, hardness or GCS while moisture content had a little effect. In this article attempt is made to carry out different experiments by making red mud a constituent in mold sand in different proportions and to manufacture castings and compare the resulting casting with regular casted components. In short, the aim is to extract economic benefits from the free and ample availability of red mud and also find a way to control the environmental pollution caused due dumping of red mud in heavy masses.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Prof. Sandeep M. Kadane, Prof. Bhushan S. Kamble, " Reutilisation of Bayer Red Mud as Moulding Material in Green Sand Casting Process-An Experimental Study, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 2, Issue 4, pp.295-301, July-August-2016.