Real Time Discovery Platform


  • Madhuri G Mali  Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, SKNSITS, Lonavala, Maharashtra, India
  • Shashwat Darp  Department of Computer Engineering, SKNSITS, Lonavala, Maharashtra, India
  • Ujwal Chaudhari  Department of Computer Engineering, SKNSITS, Lonavala, Maharashtra, India
  • Yogita Bhandari  Department of Computer Engineering, SKNSITS, Lonavala, Maharashtra, India
  • Hariom Tomar  Department of Computer Engineering, SKNSITS, Lonavala, Maharashtra, India



Twitter may be a platform which can contain opinions, thoughts, facts and alternative info. Within it, several and varied communities square measure originated by users with common interests, or with similar ways in which to feel a part of the community. This paper presents a doable combined approach between Social Network Analysis and Sentiment Analysis. Specifically, we've got tried to associate a sentiment to the nodes of the graphs showing the social connections, and this could highlight the potential correlations. the thought behind it's that, on the one hand, the constellation will contextualize so, in part, unmask some incorrect results of the Sentiment Analysis; on the opposite hand, the polarity of the sensation on the network will highlight the role of linguistics connections within the hierarchy of the communities that square measure gift within the network. During this work, we tend to illustrate the approach to the difficulty, alongside the system design and, then, we tend to discuss our 1st results.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Madhuri G Mali, Shashwat Darp, Ujwal Chaudhari, Yogita Bhandari, Hariom Tomar, " Real Time Discovery Platform , International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 5, Issue 7, pp.01-04, March-April-2019.