Social Context of the Raji Tribe Residing in Pithoragan District and the Changes that Take Place in It


  • Om Prakash Singh Yadav  Spokesperson (Sociology), Government Inter College, Khwakot Pithoragan, Uttarakhand, India


Pithoragan district, Raji tribe, social, modern, welfare scheme.


Positive plans of modern legislation and welfare schemes should be included. And get rid of the evil consequences that come with it. Modern drinks, dowry system, fast food are becoming incorporated in their lives. They are not able to adapt to English medicines instead of herbs. This needs to be improved. This tribe is very backward from Bhotia, Jaunsari, Rana, Tharu, Buxa residing in Uttarakhand. It is more socially dependent on nature than Bhotia and Jaunsari. Where the full stage of development can be seen in Bhotia. On the other hand, the standard of social development in this caste is poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, physical weakness, loneliness, wild habitat. It has a complete rural society and rural structure. On the other hand, Bhotia is a mixture of rural culture and urban culture among other castes. Its costumes are completely tribal Sanskrit. While Jana Jati Sanskrit is being adopted as a symbol in other Jana Jati. Therefore, in the original, a very naturalistic and orthodox system can be seen in this persuasive caste.


  1. History of Ancient India Dr. KC Srivastava.
  2. Study on the castes of India - Majumdar and Majumdar.
  3. Sociology Dictionary - Rawat Publication.
  4. Indian Society - Rawat Publication.
  5. History of Kumanyu - BD Pandey.
  6. Interpretation of folk tales of Kumanyu and Garhwal by Dr. Prayag Joshi.
  7. Research Studies District Education and Training Institute Pithoragan.
  8. Language and Attitude and Language Use Survey - Indian Institute Mansur Dr. Parman Singh and Dr. Satyendra Awasthi.
  9. Individual interviews and observations.
  10. Language problem solving by enlightened people of Raji society.
  11. Constitution of India.






Research Articles

How to Cite

Om Prakash Singh Yadav, " Social Context of the Raji Tribe Residing in Pithoragan District and the Changes that Take Place in It, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp.965-969, March-April-2017.