False Truth in The Natural World of Female Male Relations


  • Dr. Nilam  Laxmibai College, Delhi University Delhi, India



The problem that Yashpal has seen as the most burning and serious problem in his fiction is related to male-female relationship and female subordination. In Yashpal's view, both men and women are interdependent. Both have important roles in social life and both have equal importance in the development of life, but then the question arises before us as to why women are so suffering, forced, helpless and humiliated in the society in which they have made a special contribution? In fact, our society is male dominated and men want to see women only as slaves. They satisfy their ego by claiming their authority over them. Like a liar - really when Kanak Puri asks Lucknow to go with her - get mad. According to the rituals of her husband, Kanaka had surrendered and had no right to oppose her husband's opinion. 'What do you think you'll get me a job by flirting with him?' I kick at such a job.Economic inferiority makes Puri's personality small which he puts a cover on and starts having unnecessary self-esteem. He wants to show himself in a high position.







Research Articles

How to Cite

Dr. Nilam, " False Truth in The Natural World of Female Male Relations , International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 4, Issue 10, pp.427-430, September-October-2018.