Mathematical Study of Temperature, Pressure and Density of Generated Cylindrical Shock Waves


  • Dr. Rajesh Kumar  Assistant Professor, (Mathematics), Upadhi P.G. College, Pilibhit, India


Cylindrical, Shock, Converging, self-similar.


The phenomenon of shock waves is commonly associated with aerospace engineering, astronautics and commonly with supersonic flight. Shockwave appear in nature whenever the different elements in a fluid approach one another with a velocity higher than the local speed of sound dissipation of energy, rapid changes in velocity temp. pressure and flow turning are some of the features associated with shockwaves. In the present work, a further study is carried out to assess the influence of several parameters including the converging angle ?0, the incident planar shock Mach number M0, and the shock tube height h on the wall profile and the converging shock wave. Cylindrical converging shock waves and thermodynamic properties for different controllable parameters are analysed. The changes of the shock Mach number, pressure, temperature, and density are obtained quantitatively.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Dr. Rajesh Kumar, " Mathematical Study of Temperature, Pressure and Density of Generated Cylindrical Shock Waves, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET), Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Online ISSN : 2394-4099, Volume 3, Issue 6, pp.1162-1166, September-October-2017.